School Bus Tracking System (SBTS)
No Wait…No late…
Bus Location
The parents could know where the bus of his son is located,either from school or to school, or in any area, only with one button in the application that displays where the bus 99% accurately is on the map and a satellites image with all reacted details, this options provides parent’s the sense of security and confidence and to be directly addressed of problems that could occur in case that some parents out of their homes or engaged with some important business and need to know the details and time of their student arrival or place.
Bus Area Notifications
The parents easily can determine where they want the system to notify them when the bus enters an exact location so Automatically the system send a message via your application to your mobile device notifying the parents about the near the arrival of the bus to take the students from home or to be back to home, this to ensure the synchronization of the presence of the student with the arrival of the bus so this will have more security and time management and can solve completely the long waiting problem, especially in hard weather conditions and this can ensure not to lose the bus.
Absence Notification
Parents through the application can inform the school in case of the absence of a student
from school for a particular day and this will help to provide the bus driver not to go to
bring the student and this will eliminate of the noise and delays in the morning.
Bus Arriving Notification
The system will send a message to the parents upon the arrival of the bus to the school and this will achieve a sense of security to the parents about the attendance and safe arrival of their student to school.
Parent Arriving
For the parents who are not using the school bus, this system in advance will inform the school through the application of the parents arrival to take their student out of school, so the expected arrival time of the parents will be shown on a screen in the waiting room so when parents entering school site the application to send a message on the screen that shows the arrival of the parents, consequently this will be saving time and efforts for parents and eliminate the big number of cars that block the street and entrance of the school, that is always happening at the end of
the school day.and efforts for parents and eliminate the big number of cars that block the street and entrance of the school, that is always happening at the end of the school day.
Communicating with Drivers
Parents and through the application can have direct communication with the bus driver or the traffic officer in some special and emergency situations.
SOS Alarm
The system provides SOS note feature so that the student at any time can send a SOS note to the parents through the phone system that shall send a notice to the parents the exact place of the student 100% accurately.
Tracking System Parent features
SBTS Administrator Features